Blaupunkt Car Stereo System ACM 5450 User Manual

Operating instructions  
ACM 5450  
Table of contents  
Radio operation with RDS ........... 19 CD changer control (optional)..... 23  
Short instructions ........................ 15  
AF - Alternative frequency .................... 19 Switching to changer operation  
REG - regional programme ................... 19 with SRC on the car radio ..................... 23  
Selecting a station................................. 20 Selecting a disc ..................................... 23  
Automatic tuning ................................ 20 Selecting a title...................................... 23  
Manual tuning .................................... 20  
Important notes ............................ 17  
Precautions ........................................... 17  
Traffic safety ......................................... 17  
Installation/Connection.......................... 17  
Appendix ....................................... 24  
Selecting the seek tuning sensitivity ..... 20  
Anti-theft protection ..................... 18  
Mechanism/cassette tapes ................... 24  
Specifications ........................................ 24  
Switching from stereo to mono (FM) ..... 20  
Security code ........................................ 18 Changing the memory bank .................. 20  
Entry of a wrong code number .............. 18 Storing stations ..................................... 20  
Switching on security coding................. 18 Automatically storing the strongest  
For installation and connecting instruct-  
ions please refer to the end of this ma-  
Re-start following an interruption of the  
stations with Travelstore ....................... 21  
power supply ......................................... 18 Recalling stored stations ....................... 21  
Switching off security coding................. 19  
Receiving traffic programme  
CODE LED............................................ 19  
stations with RDS-EON ................ 21  
Traffic announcement priority on/off ..... 21  
Warning beep........................................ 21  
Switching the warning beep off ............. 21  
Automatic seek tuning start................... 22  
Adjusting the volume for traffic  
announcements and the warning beep . 22  
Tape operation.............................. 22  
Inserting a tape ..................................... 22  
Removing a tape ................................... 22  
Fast Forward/Rewind ............................ 22  
Changing the tape direction .................. 23  
Short instructions  
1 On / Off:  
Turn the knob.  
Use the  
buttons to alter the selec-  
5 Cassette removal  
ted setting. The adjusted value is indi-  
cated in the display.  
The last setting will be stored automati-  
If the setting remains unchanged within  
8 seconds, the display will switch back  
to the previous condition.  
6 Cassette loading slot  
Insert tape (side A or 1 up; the open  
side facing to the right).  
To adjust the volume:  
Turn the knob.  
2 SRC (Source)  
7 Change of tape direction /  
To toggle between the connected audio  
sources, e.g. tape, radio, AUX or CD  
changer (optional).  
Fast winding  
4 lo  
lo (local) - To alter the seek tuning sen-  
sitivity during radio operation.  
If “lo” is displayed, the radio will only  
pick up strong, local stations (normal  
To switch to the other side of the  
cassette tape:  
Press both buttons simultaneously.  
The display shows “TR1-PLAY” or  
3 AUD – audio  
To adjust the  
If “lo” does not light up, the radio will  
also pick up weaker, distant stations  
(high sensitivity).  
If the display shows “m”, manual tuning  
is adjusted.  
BALANCE (left/right volume)  
(front/rear volume).  
Fast winding  
FR: Fast rewind; stop by pressing FF.  
FF : Fast forward; stop by pressing FR.  
To alter a setting:  
To toggle the function: Press lo  
briefly during radio operation.  
Toggle the AUD button until the corre-  
sponding abbreviation and the adjusted  
value appear in the display.  
8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - preset buttons  
You can store five stations on each FM  
memory bank (I, II and “T”).  
Extra function:  
To switch between stereo and mono:  
Hold down the button for approximately  
2 seconds. With stereo playback, the  
stereo sign “ ” will appear in the dis-  
To store a station: Press button during  
radio operation and hold down until the  
radio resumes play after the muting and  
a beep sound is heard.  
To recall a station: Select the memory : TA (Traffic Announcement)  
= Display  
Radio operation:  
bank with the FM button and press the  
If “TA” is displayed, the system will play  
corresponding preset button briefly.  
traffic programme stations only.  
TA on/off: Press button.  
Extra function:  
Coding: Read chapter “Anti-theft pro-  
tection” first.  
Buttons 1, 2, 3, 4 - To enter the four-  
digit code.  
Press each of the buttons as many  
times as required until the code num-  
ber given in the car radio passport ap-  
pears in the display.  
; TS – Travelstore  
To store and recall the five most power-  
ful stations of the respective reception  
area automatically.  
NDR2 - Station abbreviation or frequency  
FM - Waveband  
I, II, T - Memory bank (I, II, or Travelstore)  
To store with Travelstore:  
- Preset buttons (1 - 5)  
- Stereo  
Press TS briefly. The seek tuning pro-  
cess starts; the stations found will be  
stored automatically.  
To recall a station stored with TS:  
Toggle the FM button until the display  
shows “T”. Then briefly press one of the  
preset buttons 1 to 5.  
- Seek tuning sensitivity  
- Alternative RDS frequency  
- You are listening to a traffic  
programme station.  
9 AF  
- Priority for traffic programme  
(Alternative Frequency during RDS  
When “AF” lights up in the display, the  
radio will automatically search for a  
frequency offering better reception of  
the same RDS programme.  
< FM  
Tape operation:  
To shift between the FM memory  
Toggle button until the desired bank is  
indicated in the display (I, II or “T”).  
To switch AF on/off: Press AF briefly.  
Extra functions:  
TR I PLAY - Side 1 (or 2)  
the system will only switch to a better  
alternative frequency if it offers the  
same regional programme (see “REG -  
regional programme).  
CASS << >> - Fast forward/rewind  
Important notes  
CD changer operation (optional):  
CD 6 - Disc number  
Before starting to use your new car radio, If you would like to install this equipment  
please read the information on “Traffic safe- yourself or add any new components, please  
ty” and “Anti-theft protection” carefully.  
read the enclosed installation and connec-  
tion instructions carefully first.  
T 3  
- Title number  
Do not ground the loudspeaker outputs!  
Use only the accessory and replacement  
parts approved by Blaupunkt.  
Traffic safety  
As the driver of a motor vehicle, it is your  
responsibility to pay attention to the traffic  
in a way that could distract you.  
Please keep in mind that you travel a di-  
stance of 14 m per second at a speed of only  
50 km/h.  
Should the traffic situation become particu-  
Always make sure that you are still able to  
hear any warning signals coming from outsi-  
deofthevehicle, suchaspoliceorfireengine  
sirens, so that you can react accordingly.  
Therefore, youshouldalwaysselectamode-  
rate volume for playing your car radio while  
you are driving.  
Station tuning – automatically, if “m”  
has disappeared from  
the display.  
– manual, if “m” lights  
up in the display.  
Toggle by pressing the lo button.  
? Code LED  
Flashes for additional theft protection  
when the ignition has been switched  
Anti-theft protection  
- Press preset button 2 five times; the  
display shows “2500”.  
- Press preset button 3 twice; the dis-  
play shows “2520”.  
- Press preset button 4 once; the dis-  
play shows “2521”.  
Security code  
Keep your car radio passport with the code  
number in a safe place in order to avoid  
“unauthorised access” to your car radio.  
When the security code system is activated,  
the unique code must be entered each time  
the power to the unit was interrupted.  
The radio will function again as soon as you  
have entered the correct code.  
If you have lost your radio passport and  
forgotten the code number, your radio can  
only be made operable again by one of our  
authorised service workshops, which is sub-  
ject to payment.  
This car radio is supplied with inactive code  
protection. In order to switch the security  
coding system on, proceed as described in  
the following.  
If the coding system is active while the power  
supply to the system is interrupted (e.g. theft,  
disconnection of the car battery), the set will  
be electronically blocked. In such a case it  
the correct code number given in the car  
radio passport.  
To confirm the code number:  
Press the  
Now the security coding system is active.  
set is turned on.  
If the display shows “CODE ERR”, you have  
entered a wrong code. Re-enter the correct  
code after the waiting time (“CODE” will ap-  
pear in the display).  
If you switch off the set while it is blocked, the  
waiting time will start anew as soon as the  
radio is turned on again.  
Entry of a wrong code number  
It should not be possible for a thief to find out  
the correct code number by trial and error.  
been entered. The display will then show  
“- - - -”.  
After the first three unsuccessful attempts  
the system will lock for 10 seconds; after  
further attempts, the waiting time extends to  
one hour.  
Switching on security coding  
To activate the coding system:  
Turn off the radio.  
Press preset buttons 1 and 4 simul-  
Re-start following an interrup-  
tion of the power supply  
(coding system is activated)  
taneously and hold down.  
Turn on the radio.  
The display shows “CODE”.  
Briefly press preset button 1; the dis-  
play shows “0000”.  
Turn on the radio.  
The display shows “CODE”.  
After 19 unsuccessful attempts the display  
will show “OFF”. In this case you can no  
longer re-start the unit.  
Enter the code number given in the  
Blaupunkt car radio passport.  
Enter the code number given in the  
Blaupunkt car radio passport and con-  
firm (see example under “Switching on  
security coding”).  
Example: The code number is 2521.  
- Press preset button 1 twice; the dis-  
play shows “2000”.  
The unit is now ready for use.  
Radio operation with RDS (Radio Data System)  
The Radio Data System offers you more If “SEARCH” appears in the display when  
convenience when listening to FM radio sta- switching on the radio or recalling one of the  
Switching off security coding  
Turn off the radio.  
stored frequencies, the unit is automatically  
More and more radio stations have begun to searching for an alternative frequency.  
broadcast RDS information alongside their “SEARCH” will disappear from the display  
Press preset buttons 1 and 4 simul-  
taneously and hold down while  
when the alternative frequency has been  
switching the set on again.  
The display shows “CODE”.  
Assoonasaprogrammehasbeenidentified, found or after the frequency band has been  
the station name including a regional identi- run through completely.  
fier, if applicable, will appear in the display, If the reception quality of the selected pro-  
for example, NDR1 NDS (regional program- gramme becomes too poor:  
Now enter the code number to be found  
in the car radio passport and confirm  
(see example under “Switching on  
security coding”).  
me in Lower Saxony, Germany).  
Tune into another station.  
When RDS is activated, the station buttons  
become programme buttons. You now know  
exactly which programme you have tuned  
into, making it easy to find the desired station  
REG - regional programme  
Security coding is now switched off.  
Certain radio programmes are split up at  
times into regional programmes offering lo-  
cal information. The 1st programme broad-  
cast by NDR, for example, offers program-  
mes with different contents in the northern  
states of Germany Schleswig-Holstein,  
But RDS offers you further advantages:  
To indicate that your unit is equipped with  
security coding, the LED flashes for extra  
security when the car is stationary.  
AF - Alternative frequency  
The AF (Alternative Frequency) function Hamburg and Lower Saxony at certain times  
makes sure that the strongest frequency of of the day.  
the currently selected programme is always If you are listening to one programme and  
tuned in automatically.  
move to an area where another linked regio-  
This function is activated when “AF” appears nal programme becomes stronger, the unit  
in the display.  
In order to switch this function on or off,  
will switch to that programme.  
If you wish to continue listening to the first  
press the AF button briefly.  
press the AF button for approximately  
2 seconds.  
“REG ON” appears in the display.  
The radio will switch to mute briefly while  
searching for the strongest reception signal.  
If you leave the service area of the regional Manual tuning  
Each time the radio is switched on, stereo  
playback is activated ( is displayed).  
The unit will automatically switch to mono if  
the received signal is not strong enough for  
stereo playback.  
programme tuned into, or if you would like to  
take advantage of the full RDS service,  
switch to “REG OFF”.  
Prerequisite: “m” lights up in the display.  
Toggle the lo button until “m” is displayed.  
Press ; the frequency will change in  
Press the AF button for approximately  
short intervals in upwards or down-  
wards direction.  
2 seconds until “REG OFF” appears.  
When active, “REG ON” will be briefly dis-  
played each time the radio is switched on.  
Changing the memory bank  
When holding the  
frequency scan is speeded up.  
button down, the  
You can shift between the memory banks I, II  
and T in order to store stations and recall  
them later.  
The currently selected memory bank is indi-  
cated in the display.  
Selecting a station  
Selecting the seek tuning sensi-  
With this car radio you can receive FM stati-  
ons from 87.5 to 108 MHz.  
You can alter the automatic seek tuning  
For this,  
Toggle the FM button until the desired  
Using the  
buttons there are two different  
memory bank lights up in the display.  
ways to tune into a station:  
press the lo button briefly.  
Automatic tuning  
Storing stations  
If “lo” is displayed, the radio will only pick up  
strong, local stations (low sensitivity).  
If “lo” does not light up, the radio will also pick  
up weaker, distant stations (high sensitivity).  
Make sure that “m” is not indicated in the  
Prerequisite: “AF” and “m” do not light up in  
the display, i.e. the Alternative Frequency  
function and manual tuning are switched off.  
Use the AF and lo buttons (lo, m, -, lo) to  
adjust the respective modes.  
On FM, you can store five stations on the  
preset buttons 1 to 5 for each of the memory  
banks I, II and T.  
Select the memory bank with FM.  
Tune in a station either automatically or  
; the car radio will automati-  
cally search for the next station.  
Switching from stereo to mono  
Whenkeepingthe orthe buttondepres-  
sed, seek tuning will speed up in upwards or  
downwards direction.  
Press the desired preset button until  
the radio resumes play after the muting  
and you hear the beep.  
If reception is poor, you may get better sound  
quality by switching to mono:  
Now the station has been stored.  
Press the lo button until a beep sound  
is released and the stereo sign  
appears from the display.  
Receiving traffic programme stations with RDS-EON  
Many FM broadcasters offer traffic messa- To switch the priority on or off:  
Automatically storing the stron-  
gest stations with Travelstore  
ges for their service area at regular intervals.  
All traffic programme stations transmit a spe-  
cial carrier signal alongside their program-  
mes, which is decoded by your car radio. If  
this signal is identified, “TP” will appear in the  
display (Traffic Programme).  
Press the TA button.  
When pressing TA while a message is being  
broadcast, this message will be interrupted.  
The unit will then switch back to the previous  
condition. The priority for other traffic messa-  
ges remains active.  
You can automatically store the five most  
powerful FM stations of your current recepti-  
on area sorted according to their signal  
This function is particularly convenient on  
longer trips.  
In addition to these, there are also stations  
which do not actually transmit traffic pro-  
grammes themselves, but by using RDS-  
EON they offer the possibility to receive the  
traffic messages broadcast by another traffic  
programme station in the same radio net-  
work. If you listen to one of these stations  
(e.g. NDR3), “TP” will appear in the display  
as soon as the priority for traffic programme  
stationshasbeenactivated, i.e. “TAmustbe  
Warning beep  
Press the TS button briefly.  
The radio will search for the strongest FM  
stations and store them on the memory bank  
“T” (Travelstore). When this process has  
been completed, the radio will play the first  
If desired, stations can also be stored manu-  
ally on the Travelstore bank (see “Storing  
If you leave the reception area of the traffic  
programme station currently tuned into, you  
will hear a warning beep after approximately  
30 seconds.  
This alarm tone will also be released when  
pressing a preset button which has no traffic  
programme allocated to it.  
If a traffic announcement is broadcast, the  
radio will automatically switch to the linked  
traffic programme station (in this case,  
NDR2) for the duration of the message and  
return to the original programme (NDR3)  
Switching the warning beep off  
Recalling stored stations  
a) Tune into another station offering traffic  
You can recall any stored station at the touch  
of a button.  
press a preset button which has a  
traffic programme station allocated  
to it.  
Select the memory bank by toggling the  
FM button until the desired level ap-  
pears in the display.  
Traffic announcement priority  
Press the corresponding preset button  
briefly to recall the station.  
b) Switch off the priority for traffic an-  
If the priority for traffic announcement pro-  
grammes is activated, “TA” will light up in the  
Press TA.  
“TA” will disappear from the display.  
Tape operation  
Stopping Fast Forward operation  
Press FR.  
Automatic seek tuning start  
Inserting a tape  
The priority for traffic announcements has  
been activated.  
When leaving the reception area of the tuned  
in traffic programme station while listening to  
a tape or CD or after having turned down the  
volume completely, the system will automa-  
tically start searching for a new TA program-  
Turn on the set.  
Insert a tape.  
Fast Rewind  
Press FR.  
Insert the tape with side A or 1 showing up, the  
open side facing to the right.  
At the beginning of the tape, the me-  
chanism will automatically start play-  
Stopping Fast Rewind operation  
Press FF.  
= Press to eject the tape.  
If no such station is found within approxima-  
tely 30 seconds, tape or CD operation will be  
stopped and a warning beep will sound. To  
switch the warning beep off, proceed as  
described above.  
Fast winding  
FR : Fast rewind; stop by pressing FF.  
FF : Fast forward; stop by pressing FR.  
The tape will be played in the direction used  
“TR1-PLAY” in the display means that track  
1 or A is being played.  
Adjusting the volume for traffic  
announcements and the warning  
Removing a tape  
To switch to the other side of the  
cassette tape:  
Press both buttons simultaneously.  
The display shows “TR1-PLAY” or  
The cassette will eject.  
This volume was preset at the factory.  
Fast Forward/Rewind  
Fast Forward  
Press FF.  
At the end of a tape side, the mecha-  
nism changes directions automatically  
to play the other side.  
CD changer control (optional)  
You can operate the Blaupunkt CD changer  
CDC-A05 in combination with this car radio.  
Selecting a title  
Changing the tape direction  
To select a title in upwards direction,  
press briefly.  
To repeat a title,  
press briefly once.  
To select a title in downwards direction,  
To change the tape direction during cassette  
Switching to changer operation  
with SRC on the car radio  
press FR and FF simultaneously.  
Make sure that a magazine is inserted.  
Press SRC to toggle between the available  
audio sources (radio - changer - tape).  
Press SRC as many times until the changer  
functions appear in the display.  
At the end of a tape side, the mechanism  
changes directions automatically to play the  
other side (Autoreverse). The display shows  
“TR1-PLAY” for track (side) 1 or A or “TR2-  
PLAY” for track 2 or B.  
briefly as many times as ne-  
In may happen in isolated cases that the  
changer fails to function properly due to  
voltage drops (e.g. when starting the engi-  
ne). In such a case, briefly switch the car  
radio off and on again.  
playback, the set may switch over by itself  
before having reached the end of the tape  
side. In this case check the condition of the  
cassette tape. Sometimes it helps to rewind  
it completely.  
CD = disc, T = TRACK (title).  
Selecting a disc  
To select a disc in upwards direction,  
To select a disc in downwards direction,  
press for approximately 2 seconds.  
for approximately 2 seconds.  
Mechanism/cassette tapes  
Output power:  
To avoid possible problems, you should not  
use cassette tapes longer than 60 or 90  
minutes (C60/C90). Store your tapes in a  
cool place away from dirt, dust and tempera-  
turesexceeding50° Celsius. Allowverycold  
tapes to warm up before playing them in  
order to avoid uneven tape transport. After  
approximately 100 hours of use, dust partic-  
les collected on the playback head or roller  
may lead to tape run problems and sound  
4 x 6 W RMS power  
acc. to DIN 45324/3.1  
into 4  
4 x 8 W max. power  
acc. to DIN 45324/3.2  
FM waveband  
1,3 µV at 26 dB  
signal-to-noise ratio  
Use a head cleaning tape to remove normal  
dirt build-up. For tougher cases, use a cotton response:  
swab (Q-Tip) soaked with alcohol. Do not  
35 - 15 000 Hz  
40 - 14 000 Hz  
attempt to clean by inserting a hard object  
into the player!  
Tape player  
Subject to modifications!  
Blaupunkt-Werke GmbH  
Bosch Gruppe  
1/96 Pf  
K7/VKD 8 622 400 073  

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